6,042 92 115
PD Avengers Countries Partners
statistics last updated on 12-01-22
PD Avengers Unite!
Kingston, New Jersey
Polly Dawkins
Exec Dir, Davis Phinney Foundation
Boulder, Colorado, USA
Davis Phinney
Founder, Davis Phinney Foundation
Retired Professional cyclist
White House Parkinson’s Champion of Change
Boulder, Colorado, USA
Brian Grant
Founder, Brian Grant Foundation
Retired NBA star (12 seasons)
Portland, Oregon USA
Katrina Kahl
Exec Dir, Brian Grant Foundation
Portland, Oregon USA
Leslie A. Chambers
President & CEO, (APDA) American Parkinson Disease Association
Staten Island, NY, USA
Orlando Jack
Advisory Board Member,
Retired USAF military veteran
Orlando, Florida
Lianna Marie
Parkinson's Care Partner for 30 years
Founder & CEO, All About Parkinson's
Seattle, WA
Kat Hill
PwP DX 2015
Co-Founder, Women’s Parkinson’s Project
Author, Being Well:
a Guide to Joy & Resilience
with Chronic IllnessSpeaker,
Host, podcast PD Lemonade
Portland, Oregon
Blake Mackey
Ontario, Canada
Katsura Suzuki
Member of PD Avengers Research Committee
Member of Clinical Trials Working Group with PwP Council, #WPC2022~2023
Founder, Life Design Institute 4 PwP Japan
esearcher in Pharma
PhD postgraduate students in neurology
Tokyo, Japan
Mie Rizig MD,PhD
Clinician, Geneticist,
Coordinator, IPDGC Africa
London, UK
Dom Graham
Operations Director, EPDA
20 years volunteering and advocating on behalf of PwP
Kent, UK
Alex Reed
President, European Parkinson Centres
Elizabeth Gordon
Chief Executive, Parkinson’s Care and Support UK
Mitcham, UK
Saadia Tuyyab
Operations Manager, World Parkinson’s Program
Ontario, Canada
Paul Jackson-Clark
Director of Fundraising, Parkinson’s UK
United Kingdom
Nenad Bach
PwP, DX 2010
Founder of Ping Pong Parkinson
Composer, Performer, Producer &
Peace activist
Ping Pong returned his ability to play guitar which lead to PPP and the song “I Love Ping Pong.”
New York, USA & Zagreb, Croatia
David Sangster
Community Projects Officer, Parkinson’s UK
United Kingdom
Kabugo Hannington
Director of Operations, Parkinson’s Si Buko (Parkinson’s is not witchcraft.”)
Mom died with PD. She suffered from stigma and misinformation of Parkinson’s in Uganda.
Mukono, Uganda
Yonah Budd
Addiction Counselor and Crisis Therapist.
Co-Founder & Clinical Director, The Farm in Stouffville and Recover@Home
Toronto, ON, Canada
Karen Lee, Phd
President & CEO, Parkinson Canada
Sociable neuroscientist who believes in the power of patient engagement.
Toronto, ON, Canada
Lana Tordoff
CEO, Parkinson Association of Alberta
Alberta, Canada
Jean Blake
Vancouver, BC Canada
John L Lehr
President & CEO.
Will Cook
CEO, Cure Parkinson’s
London, England UK
Clyde Campbell
Founder & CEO, Shake It Up Australia Foundation
New South Wales, Australia
Rebecca Gifford
Care Partner / Partner in Parkinson’s
Co-Host, When Life Gives You Parkinson’s Podcast
#WPC2022 Care Partner Lounge Committee
Instructor, BC Brain Wellness Program
Vancouver, B.C. Canada
Henry Gifford
Son of PwP
Contributor, When Life Gives You Parkinson’s podcast
Fundraiser for Parkinson Canada
Vancouver, BC Canada
Charlotte Allen
Co-Founder, Parkinson’s Concierge
#WPC2022 Committee
Research patient committee , Northumbria University The Care Centre
Newcastle, UK
Russ Bradford
Co-Founder, Parkinson's Concierge
Support group leader
Writes scientific papers
Participant, research
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Dave Clark
PwP DX 2011
Broadcaster and Journalist.
Raised £500,00+ for Parkinson’s research.
Loves to follow Summer around the globe watching Springsteen
England, UK
Marcie Salamone
Aware in Care Ambassador - Parkinson's Foundation
Board Member/Incoming Treasurer - Dallas Area Parkinsonism Society
Advocate - Parkinson Voice Project
Richardson, TX USA
Vicki Miller
Executive General Manager, Shake It Up Australia Foundation
New South Wales, Australia
Karen Jaffe
PwP, DX 2007 at 48 years old
Member, Michael J Fox Foundation Patient Council
Co-Founder; Shaking with Laughter
Co-Founder, InMotion - a holistic wellness center for PwP.
Cleveland, Ohio USA
Joe Possenti
Patient Advocate, US World Meds
Aston, Pennsylvania USA
Marc Van Grieken
Chair, Parkinson UK’s Dundee Research Interest Group (DRIG)
Member, Research Support Network Development team (RSNDT)
*Fellow of European, Patient Academy of Therapeutic Innovation (EUPATI) as Patient Advocate in Medicine development.
*Graduates April 2021
Comrie. Perthshire, Scotland
Dan Dumsha
Director, Work and Wellness for Tightrope Impro Theatre
Teacher of Improv for Parkinson’s
Vancouver, B.C. Canada
Parky the Raccoon
Parkinson’s Advocate
WPC Ambassador
World Travel - Where’s Parky?
Everywhere, Earth
Alison Anderson
Ambassador, #WPC2022
England, UK
Jon Pawelkop
Ambassador, #WPC2022
Tampa, FL USA
Dr. Shanthipriya
Ambassador, #WPC2022
Founder, SAAR Foundation
Chennai, India
A.C. Woolnough
Ambassador, #WPC2022
Author, On Fire:
Reflections on a Journey Through Life with Parkinson’s Disease
Sandpoint, ID, USA
Christine Jeyachandran
Ambassador, #WPC2022
Arequipa, Peru
Mariam Bram
Ambassador, #WPC2022
Rui Couto
Ambassador, #WPC2023
Founding Member @Parkython
Ignacio “Nacho” Mata, PhD
Researcher of PD genetics
Science Ambassador #WPC2022
Authored 70+ manuscripts
Bilingual | Spanish, English
Shaker Heights, OH, USA
Geoff Constable
Ambassador, #WPC2023
Ambassador OXFAM 100klm TrailWalker
Co-founder YOPD group YEOPA
Mattia Volta
Senior Researcher at Eurac Research
Science Ambassador #WPC2022
Bilingual | Italian and English
Belzano, Italy
Heather Kennedy
Ambassador, #WPC2022
Site: KathleenKiddo.com
San Francisco Bay Area, CA, USA
Sharon Krischer
Board Member, Parkinson Foundation - California Region
Beverly Hills, CA USA
Leslie Davidson
PwP, Husband LBD
Writer; CBC award winning essay on having PD and caring for a partner with LBD.
Revelstoke, B.C. Canada
Katrina Rochon
Former Geriatric Nurse
Admin, Facebook group “Parkinson’s International Never Give Up.!”
Colorado, USA
Rev. Dr. W. Ralph Richardson
Parkinson Conada Superwalker - raised $32,000+ doing laps on his driveway 300 days in a row.
Parkinson Canada “National Hero”
Nova Scotia, Canada
Greg Hicks
Caregiver, supporter
Coordinator, 100 Day Driveway Walk for Parkinson’s Canada.
Bearded Villains Club
Moncton, NB, Canada
Marty Acevedo, MS, RDN
Registered Dietician
Co-Founder, CoachmeStrong
Oceanside, CA USA
Professor Steven Gill
M.B., M.S.(Lond.), F.R.C.S.
Honorary Professor in Neurosurgery
Bristol, UK
PD Avenger Spotlight
GDNF’ers join PD Avengers
In September 2019 Professor Gill was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award from The European Association of Neurosurgical Societies.
He was lead neurosurgeon and designer of the CED device used in the GDNF Trial Phase 2 in Bristol.
There were 42 people, trailblazing heroes, that participated in the GDNF Trial in Bristol, UK.
These PD Avengers among them…. Learn more on their website The GDNF Journey
Vicki Dillon
Former Pediatric Nurse
Participant in GDNF, Bristol Phase 2 Trial
Hexham, Northumberland UK
Lesley Gosden
Participant in GDNF, Bristol Phase 2 Trial
Clinical trials give us the chance of a future
United Kingdom
Andy Rollin
Participated in GDNF, Bristol Phase 2 Trial
Author, GDNF What Happened to Me
Bristol, UK
Darren Calder
Participated in GDNF, Bristol Phase 2 Trial
Passionate fundraiser for research into a cure
United Kingdom
Colin Wynn
Married to Lesley Godsen
Clinical trials give us the chance of a future
United Kingdom
Nic Mortensen
Participated in GDNF, Bristol Phase 2 Trial
United Kingdom
Daniel Kinel
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Neurology at University of Rochester Medical Center
Executive Committee, Morris K Udall Center for Parkinson's Research
Rochester, NY USA
Gerald Ganglbauer
Founder, Producer of Parkinsong
President of Parkinsonline
Graz, Austria
Michelle Hespeler
PwP DX 2007
Founder and Chairman, Beat Parkinson's Today
Board Member, CureNow:PD
Partner with Yale University on Brain Imagery Exercise Trial
East Hartford, CT USA
Eirwen Malin
One woman show on Parkinson’s
Public speaker, project developer
Author, “Sharing Stories: Sharing Understanding”
Cardiff, United Kingdom
Sabela Avion
Language nerd
Parkinsonic (ENG & ESP)
Vigo, Spain | New York City, USA
Leslie Peters
Parkinson's Foundation Hospitalization Committee
#WPC2022 Care Partner Lounge Committee
MJFF Policy Advocate, “Advocate of the year 2018”
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
Liz & Scott Holroyd
PwP / Partner
Organizers, White Rock -Parkinson Canada Super Walk
Both on Board of Directors, Pacific Parkinson’s Research Institute.
White Rock, BC Canada
Jeanette Fisher-Pynn
Blogger “I Got Dressed By Myself Today, But My Underwear is on Backwards!”
Fundraiser, Parkinson Canada
Bowen Island, BC Canada
Massimiliano Iachini
Vice President A.I.G.P. Association Italian Young Parkinson
EPDA as volunteer
Barcelona, Spain
Milan, Italy
Rob Warner
PwP, DX 2008
Author of the Pedaling Parkie, a newsletter for PD patients and caregivers across Southern California.
California, USA
Al Guyant
Marine Veteran
Journalist, Author and
Political Leader
Sun Prairie, Wisconsin USA
Rebecca Miller
Blogger for WPC
Parkinson’s Foundation Aware in Care Ambassador
New Haven, CT USA
Sree Sripathy
Bay Area, CA, USA
Elaine Book
Parkinson’s Social Worker
Vancouver, Canada
Emma Kyriacou
Blog, The Parky Ninja
Paraparaumu, New Zealand
Natasha Fothergill-Misbah
PhD researcher
Interested in PD in Africa
Grew up in Kenya
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Stacey Macaluso
Ambassador, Davis Phinney Foundation
Coordinator, Katz JCC Parkinson’s Connection
New Jersey, USA
Carla Collier
Barrie, Ontario, Canada
Joy Milne
Husband was PwP for 32 yrs
Research Associate in Analytical Olfaction
I am "The Nose" of PD. I can smell Parkinson’s molecules.
Perth, Scotland, UK
Jonny Acheson
Emergency Medical Doctor
Leicester, UK
Gary Rafaloff
Co-author, “Parkinson’s
disease drug therapies in the clinical trial pipeline: 2020” (Journal of Parkinson’s Disease, July 2020)
Marlboro, NJ, USA
Ebba Ericson
Parkinson´s Ambassador in Skåne
Writing a book about my grandfather’s Parkinson’s and how it impact our family
Malmö, Sweden
Allan Cole
Creator of PD Wise
Board of Directors, Power for Parkinson's
Austin, Texas
Karen Raphael
Researcher & Professor
PhD-level trained psychologist,
Brooklyn, NY USA
Emma Edwards
Parkinson’s Specialist Nurse
Contributor, Parky Cards - “Avoid Blockages,” “No Jam Jars,, Please” & “Airport Win”
Plymouth, UK
Andrew Hobbs
Parkinson’s UK Research Support Network
Admin; PDFU (Facebook)
Solihull, United Kingdom
Ian Robertson
FB Page: Parkinson’s My Super Power
Outlook, Saskatchewan, Canada
Diane Bramble, RN
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Charlene Washa
Hobbies: Biking, Reading and Photography
Jon Collins, CAE
Interim, Marketing lead Parkinson Canada
Advocate for people with Parkinson’s
Toronto, ON, Canada
John Humphreys
Emory Univ. Udall Parkinson’s Patient Board
Clinical Trial
Ambassador, Policy Forum advocate -Michael J. Fox Foundation
Canton, GA, USA
Phil Smith
Stand-up Comedian
Enjoys chocolate cake
Birmingham, UK
Isabelle Fisher
Director of Music, Concert Pianist and composer
Speaks English | understands French
Uffington, UK
Carol Clupny
Author, Ribbon of the Road Ahead and her blog
mbassador, Davis Phinney Foundation
Support Group Facilitator
Speech Pathologist
Hermiston, OR, USA
Julie Fitzgerald
Ambassador, Davis Phinney,
Ambassador, Parkinson’s Foundation “Aware in Care.”
Texas State Representative for Michael J Fox Foundation Parkinson’s Policy Forum
Liberty Hill, TX, USA
Richard Underwood
Project Manager
Basingstoke, UK
Claudia Danker
BLOG coming soon:
Tin Woman in Action (Mujer de hojalata en acción)Speaks Spanish & English
Beaverton, OR, USA
Lucy Jung
Founder of Charco Neurotech
Masters in Innovation Design Engineering; Imperial College London and the Royal College of Art (Distinction), and a Korea University BA in Industrial and Informatic Design.
Projects include Arc pen for people with Micrographia.
United Kingdom
Judy Reynolds
PD Support Group Leader
PMD Alliance Ambassador
Research & Clinical Trial Participant
Sun CIty, Arizona USA
Grove Ayers
Father lived with PD 15+ yrs
VP of the Board of Northwest Parkinson’s Foundation (nwpf.org) in Seattle
Team Fox member
Coeur d Alene, ID, USA
Matthew Krol
Executive Producer and Vice President of KSE Digital
Father has Parkinson’s.
Denver, CO, USA
Shane Breslin
Secretary, Young Parkinson’s Ireland
Workshop: YOPD from partner POV
Dublin, Ireland
Dave Logan
Chair, Parkinson’s Swindon
Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service 2009
Swindon, UK
Fred Schwab
Rock Steady Boxing coach
Fight Back Against PD - Facebook Page
Atlanta, NY, USA
Julie Walker
Invented the word “Parkinality”; Parkin(sons) (person) ality.
Blog Parkinality
Macon, GA, USA
Rachel Staenberg
Specialist, Market Development, PMD Alliance
Father has
Atypical Parkinsonism’s
Arizona, USA
Jason Batup
Developed “First Steps” program for newly diagnosed PwP in UK
Raised £30,000+ since diagnosis
Basingstoke, UK
Laura Montalvo
Counsels newly diagnosed people with Parkinson’s
Speaks Spanish and English
Woodside, New York, USA
Michelle Lane
Founder, Parkinson’s Association of Louisiana
State Director, Parkinson’s Action Network (PAN)
Ambassador, Davis Phinney Foundation
Louisiana, USA
Gil Thelen
President, Me Over PD Foundation
Macon, GA, USA
Jessi Keavney
Parkinson’s Foundation research advocate
Organizing committee “Planning for Prevention in Parkinson’s: a trial design symposium and workshop” April 8-9, 2021 in Boston, MA
Pendergrass, GA USA
Francesca De Barolomeis
Father had YOPD
Psycomotricist specializing in Parkinson’s disease
Speaks Italian, English, Spanish
Canary Island-Spain
Frank Mundo
Ambassador, Davis Phinney Foundation
Ambassador, PMD Alliance
Creator of PARKINSON'S ONLINE, a comprehensive online database dedicated to Parkinson’s information.
Phoenix, AZ
Albert Wright
Ex. Researcher
Researching activation of transcription factor Nrf2 to combat oxidative stress and neuroinflammation in PwP using natural isothyocyanates found in Brassica species
Grenoble, France
Andre Ho Sang
Jeannine Alain
Featured on CBC’s “You Can’t Ask That… Parkinson’s”
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan CA
Annabelle Jeyach
My mum has Parkinson’s
I like public speaking
Creativity is the solution to finding a cure
Arquipa, Peru
Trevor Woollard
Founder, Parkinson’s Art
Christine Seaby
Owner of Boxing 4 Health Inc.
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Wendy Lugthart
Founder Yoppers Groene Hart (meeting point yoppers)
Ambassador, ParkinsonNL
Volunteer, The Parkinson Games
Make an effort for young people with parkinson and parkinson & work
Content creator yoppers pages in Parkinson Magazine
Groene Hart, Netherlands
Anne Starling
MA & MFA, UNSW College of Fine Arts
Visual Arts Teacher and
Practicing Artist
Sydney, Australia
Margaret Preston
Father has Parkinson’s
President, Power Over Parkinson’s Disease Foundation
Richmond, Virginia USA
Gary Rogliano
Pwp, DX 2018
Chairman, Power Over Parkinson's Disease Foundation
RIchmond, Virginia USA
Steve Phillips
Founder, Shaky Nation
PD Avengers Executive Committee Consultant
Ashville, North Carolina USA
Simon BIshop
Website: If you’ve just been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.
Frome, Somerset, England UK
Artur Amich
Author of Controlar lo incontrolable
Barcelona, Spain
Linda Bérard
Co-Founder “Entraidons-nous”
Featured on CBC’s “You Can’t Ask That… Parkinson’s”
Prevost, Quebec CA
Nadia Tagliabracci
Co-Founder “Entraidons-nous”
Speaks French, English, and Italian
Featured on CBC’s “You Can’t Ask That… Parkinson’s”
Prevost, Quebec CA
François Guérin
Co-Founder “Entraidons-nous”
Rode his bike across Canada from Vancouver to Montreal (5500km) for Parkinson’s
St-Adolphi-d’Howard, Quebec CA
Pierre Croteau
Co-Founder “Entraidons-nous”
St-Jerome, Quebec CA
Francisco Ruiz Gonzalez “Paqui”
PwP DX 2012
Co-Founder “Con P de Parkinson”
Tenerife, Spain
PwP DX 2018
Professor, Pharmaceutical Clinical Analysis
Co-founder, Con P de Párkinson
Málaga, Spain
Soriano Espert
PwP DX 2011
Human Resources Psychologist
Valencia, Spain
Silvia Verónica Pintos Gómez
PwP DX 2012
Melo, Department of Cerro Largo, Uruguay
Rosa Blázquez
PWP DX 2012
Majadahonda, Spain
Lucia Ferro
PwP DX 2019
Internist Doctor
Barcelona, Spain
Ana Cristina Sada Urabayen
PwP DX 2017
Employment Technician
Cádiz, Spain
Perla Guzma
PWP DX 2014
Guadalajara, Mexico
Garcia Ortiz
PwP DX 47
Teacher, Senior Technician of Social Integration, Auxiliary of Psychiatric
Cádiz, Spain
Teresa Borque Badenas
PwP DX 2010
Barcelona, Spain
Jon Braddock
Author “Welcome to the YOPD Club”
Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida USA
Danna Lee
200 hour certified yoga instructor and working on certification for teaching YOGA for Parkinson’s.
Ava Butler
Dear husband was a PwP
Author of Parkinson’s: A Love Story with Dementia for Dessert
Tuscon, AZ USA
Steve Meshkov, MD
Diagnostic Radiologist
President & Sr. Partner Radiology Affiliates Imaging, 1986-2020
Avon, Colorado USA
Zane Caplansky
PD Avenger
Friend of PwP
Deli Man, Mustard Mavin
Tofino, BC Canada
Carlota Lee
PwP DX 2019
Athlete, Mom, Event Organizer
West Vancouver, BC Canada
Bernd Roessle
PWP DX 2015
Trial participant and ever in search for the key to being symptom-free.
Brisbane, Australia
Giulio Maldacea
President, Comitato Italiano Association Parkinson
Cesano Maderno, Lombardy, Italy.
Barbara Morandi
Consultant, Therapist and Trainer
Co-Shiatsu for neurological disorders and neurodegenerative diseases.
Cooperation with Comitato Italiano Associazioni Parkinson and Wikiparky.TV
Verbania, Piedmont, Italy
Adriana Totan
PwP DX 2013
Founder and President of Asociația "Mai puternici decât boala Parkinson"
(Stronger Than Parkinson's Disease" Association)
Bucharest, Romania
Gabby Dimotsantos
Community Engagement Manager, Davis Phinney Foundation
Bachelor in Science in Neuroscience from University of Nevada.
Spent several years leading research studies in working memory.
Longmont, Colorado, USA
Rachel Gibson
PwP DX 2008
Cycled 500 miles (Murrayfield to Twickenham) in six days.
United Kingdom
The founding members
Tim Hague
Founder, U-Turn Parkinson’s
Author, Perseverance
Video Series; Coffee w/ Tim
Winnipeg, MB Canada
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Soania Mathur, MD
Co-Chair, Michael J. Fox Foundation Patient Council
Board of Directors, Davis Phinney Foundation
Medical Boards: Parkinson Canada, Brian Grant Foundation
Toronto, ON Canada
Helen Matthews
Deputy CEO of the
United Kingdom
Paul Mayhew-Archer
Host, Incurable Optimist
“Parkinson’s The Funny Side”
Oxfordshire, England, UK
Matt Eagles
Founder, Parkylife
United Kingdom
Martin Taylor
United Kingdom
Omotola Thomas
Ambassador, #WPC2022
Founder, Parkinson’s Africa
Born & Raised in Nigeria
United Kingdom
Jayne Calder
Husband Darren was in GDNF, Phase II trials
United Kingdom
Gary Shaughnessy
Chairman, Parkinson UK Board of Trustees
United Kingdom
Hugh Johnston
Ontario, Canada
Richelle Flanagan
Ambassador, #WPC2022
South Dublin, Ireland
Eli Pollard
Executive Director, World Parkinson Coalition #WPC2022
Brooklyn New York, USA
Sally Bromley
Chair, Parkinson’s UK Oxford
Oxford, England, UK
Ben Stecher
Author, Brain Fables
Ontario, Canada
If you would like your picture added to the PD Avengers Gallery above, please email Larry@PDAvengers.com.
Attach a photo, where you live, your connection to Parkinson’s disease and a few facts you would like to share.