PD Avengers Partners
To Our Partners,
PD Avengers supplies urgency and acts as a unifying force for Parkinson’s Organizations to work collaboratively and amplify the voices of advocates around the world. We are not in competition with the organizations you currently work with. We are partners with them. We look forward to working together to make life better for those living with Parkinson’s and find a way to stop it in its tracks.

“If you think about what it really takes to succeed, it's folly to imagine that one organization is the one and only organization that needs to exist to make this happen.”
-Deborah W. Brooks, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder
Global & National Organizations

France Parkinson

Parkinson's UK

Parkinson's Foundation

Parkinson's Europe

World Parkinson's Program

Parkinson's South Africa

American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA)

PMD Alliance

International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society

Parkinson's Africa

PD Avengers Deutschland (Germany)

Parkinson's New Zealand

Parkinson's Disease Patients Welfare Society - Kolkata, India

Iberoamericana Alianza de Parkinson Parkinson's Ibero-American Alliance

Parkinson's Si Buko Uganda Parkinson's Is Not Witchcraft

Stop Parkinson Romania

Egyparkinson's Resource Center

Trepetlika - Parkinson's Disease Society of Slovenia

Davis Phinney Foundation | We help people with Parkinson's live well today.

Yuvedo Foundation - Germany
Adewunmi Desalu Parkinson's Foundation

Asociația Mai puternici decât boala Parkinson - Bucharest, Romania

World Parkinson Coalition

Parkinson Association of Alberta

PDMDS Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorder Society (India)

PMD Alliance

Parkinson's Australia

As a Parkinson's patient organization, Parkinsonline (PON) Austria is a partner for those affected, professionals and the public.

Associacao Brasil Parkinson

Barrow Neurological Institute | Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center

Keep Moving Foundation - Bangalore, India
Research Partners

International Parkinson Disease Genomics Consortium - founded in 2009. iPDGC is a worldwide collaboration was started between genetic scientists from the United States, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, France and Germany.

UCLA Parkinson's Disease Gastrointestinal Clinic

The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research | MJFF is dedicated to finding a cure for Parkinson's disease through an aggressively funded research agenda and to ensuring the development of improved therapies for those living with Parkinson's today.

Cure Parkinson's funds research that slows, stops or reverses Parkinson’s

Cure Now: PD is a group of People With Parkinson's, and others, who exist to be agents of positive change in PD research

ParkinsonNet - Netherlands

The University of Dundee is a leading centre for Parkinson’s research, hosting world-renowned experts who are dedicated to improving our understanding of the condition. Their efforts are backed by the Dundee Parkinson’s Research Campaign, a fundraising initiative aimed to make Dundee the global centre for Parkinson’s research.
Technology Partners

InSignals is developing iHandU, the first technological solution for quantifying muscular rigidity in patients with movement disorders. Our goal is to ensure the development of medical devices that reduce the subjectivity of neurological assessment, supporting clinicians and patients.

My Moves Matter Digital Self-Care Companion helps you unlock the power of knowing what works for you so you can live your best life with Parkinson's.

Charco Neurotech was founded by a team of designers, engineers, and clinicians with one ambition: to bring back smiles for people with Parkinson’s. It's first product is the CUE1, a non-invasive device for Parkinson’s. The CUE1 utilises pulsed cueing and focused vibrotactile stimulation to alleviate symptoms including slowness, stiffness, and freezing of gait, resulting in improved movement.

At De Oro Devices, the founders were brought together by a common passion for creating innovative technology to improve quality of life for those in need. Our first product, the NexStride, reliably restores mobility to Parkinson's patients experiencing freezing of gait.

Kinetikos Health assists healthcare providers and patients in the management of Parkinson’s disease, through an evidence-based clinical platform and smartphone app that continuously collect and process objective movement data, symptomatology and medication adherence. This helps clinicians to better manage their patients, individuals their condition and institutions their resources, leading to increased healthcare efficiency and patient’s quality of life.

LIGHT THERAPY FOR PARKINSON'S, CHRONIC PAIN, FIBROMYALGIA & GUT HEALTH Medical-grade red light therapy and infrared photobiomodulation devices Drug-free, non-invasive and painless Easy, at-home use Worldwide clinical support included For a 10% discount us the PD Avengers discount code: PDA10
Health Care Partners

Teleneurology for all 50 U.S. States. The entire premise of Synapticure is that it must provide access and level up care for all people living with ALS, PLS and Parkinson's regardless of where they live, what their race is or how much money they earn.
Exchanging good practices in e-health care for adults with Parkinson’s and their family caregivers in Europe

Senior Star - Elmore Place - Davenport, Iowa
Advocacy Partners

Entraidons-nous | Welcome to HelpingUs.ca - Quebec, Canada

Women's Parkinson's Project | Raising our voices for better treatment and research for women with Parkinson's Disease

Shaky Nation - Parkinson's Advocacy & Education

Parkinson's Unity Walk

BOOK: Ending Parkinson's Disease | A Prescription for Action

Spotlight YOPD is the charity for those with Young Onset Parkinson’s Disease (YOPD), run by those with YOPD. We are a UK-based charity with a global reach, raising understanding and awareness of Young Onset Parkinson's Disease.
Con P de Párkinson - Spain - a movement made up of young women from different parts of Spain with Parkinson's disease . All of them have a common goal: to share their experience to give voice and visibility to women living with this disease so that none of them feels alone.

A place where people with Parkinson’s and their care partners can get help, advice, friendship and support. Join thousands of others from all around the world.

Sharing Over 30 Years of Wisdom Living with Parkinson's Disease by author Karl Robb

Women living with Parkinson's (Japan)

Passion for Parkinson's Foundation - Ontario, Canada

We started TogetherForSharon® as a family for the purpose of keeping my mother, Sharon Riff Ackerman’s, memory alive and to share the message of Parkinson’s Awareness and hope for a cure.

Rochester Parkinson Network

Parkinson's Orange County

Parkinson's Connect Live
Wellness Partners | Exercise

U-Turn Parkinson's - Winnipeg, MB Canada & Virtual with Tim Hague Sr.

Parkinson Wellness Project - Victoria, BC

Living Better with Parkinson's - Ontario, Canada

Mission PD - Dedicate to improving the quality of life for people with Parkinson's Disease - New Jersey & Virtual

Move4YPD - Switzerland

Empower Parkinson, Inc. -Syracuse, NY

Parkinson's Wellness Project - Pomona, NY

Ping Pong Parkinson - New York
Paddle Contre Parkinson - France
The Parkinson's Games 2023 - Eindhoven

World Powerlifting Parkinson's

Dance for PD | Classes - Training - Resources

The mission of the Hilde Ulrichs Foundation is to enable all people with Parkinson's to lead an active life through non-drug therapies and to improve their quality of life in the long term.

BC Brain Wellness Program - free online workshops

Sport Parkinson's - UK

We offer exercise classes throughout Connecticut specifically designed for people with all stages of Parkinson's Disease.

Dancing with Parkinson's
Wellness Partners | Therapy

Neuro Heroes - UK | Where physio meets fitness!

Mission PD - Dedicate to improving the quality of life for people with Parkinson's Disease - New Jersey & Virtual

European Parkinson Therapy Centre - Darfo Boario Terme BS, Italy

Fuerte a la Vida, Parkinson - No Limits Therapeutic Holiday for People with Parkinson's - Canary Islands

Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT)

Voice Aerobics

Parkinson Voice Project

A Soft Voice - Angela and Karl Robb

Life Design Institute for PwP Japan

OC Tremble Clefs

Wellness Partners | Creative

Wellness Partners | Audio, Video & Blog

The idea for an English version of ParkinsonTV came from numerous collaborations between Bas and Dr. Ray Dorsey of the University of Rochester. Much of Ray’s work focuses on developing and testing technologies that can improve access to care and speed up clinical research.

Comitato Parkinson - Our task is to help families with Parkinson's and parkinsonisms to reach this goal in the best possible conditions.

The idea for an English version of ParkinsonTV came from numerous collaborations between Bas and Dr. Ray Dorsey of the University of Rochester. Much of Ray’s work focuses on developing and testing technologies that can improve access to care and speed up clinical research.

The Parkinson Journal is a unique collection of information about Parkinson's disease. His numerous contributions (texts, videos, guides, directories or podcasts), written or produced by well-known authors, often affected themselves, have become a companion for many of those affected, their relatives and those seeking advice over the years.