PD Avengers Partners

National & Global Organizations

Become A Partner

Thank You Partners!

Why The Brian Grant Foundation partnered with PD Avengers!

PD Avengers supplies urgency and acts as a unifying force for Parkinson’s Organizations to work collaboratively and amplify the voices of advocates around the world.

We are not in competition with the organizations you currently work with. We are partners with them. We look forward to working together to make life better for those living with Parkinson’s and find a way to stop it in its tracks.

Local & Regional Non-Profit Parkinson’s Organizations (alphabetical)

Asociația "Mai puternici decât boala Parkinson"


Asociația "Mai puternici
decât boala Parkinson"

Association "Stronger than
Parkinson's disease"



Quebec, Canada

Parkinson Kolkata India.jpeg

Health Tech Companies - United to End Parkinson’s

Parkinson’s Advocacy & Lifestyle Partners

parkinsons-concierge logo.png

Now in its fourth season.

Partner Events

PD Avengers
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Research Partners

Partner Wellness Groups & Organizations

Ping Pong Parkinson We_Build_Neurons.jpeg

Parkinson’s Art, Music, Dance, Theatre, Comedy, Writing and other Organizations Using Creative Arts as Therapy

Michiyo Saiki’s Tokyo Artist Gallery featuring photographers and artist with Parkinson’s Disease.

Watch this film from
Rosy Gallery




PD Avengers Takeover the MIchael J Fox Foundation Parkinson’s Podcast to introduce listeners to other PD Avenger Partner Organizations!

Not a Partner?

Let’s fix that.

Click “Let’s Fix That”
for a Partner Agreement.

Once complete email it to signmeup@pdavengers.com