Seven Reasons Why...

Written by Larry Gifford, Video and Campaign by Omotola Thomas

Have you watched this video yet? It’s task #1 for all PD Avengers.

Seven Reasons is a campaign launched by PD Avenger Omotola Thomas, who is also the founder of Parkinson’s Africa. The PD Avengers accepted this campaign to support and set an aggressive goal of getting 10,000 video views. Why?

  1. It aligns with one of our objectives, which is to bring measurable change by 2022 towards the equity of information, access to doctors, diagnosis, medication, treatments and wellness programs around the globe.

  2. This is as a way of proving to ourselves and others that together the PD Avengers can support and amplify important messages. As our numbers grow, so can our influence, but we all need to act, amplify and share.

Focus on 10,000 views.

As of this post we are at 3,500.

PD AVENGERS, we have work to do.

Who can you ask to watch this? Send an email and just ask friends to take five minutes to watch it.


"Sometimes coping with stigma surrounding the disorder is more difficult than living with any limitations imposed by the disorder itself."

​- Chapter 4, Neurological Disorders: Public Health Challenges (WHO)

​Seven Reasons

Seven Reasons is a campaign focused on empowering Africans affected by Parkinson's disease (PD) to overcome the stigma that is often associated with the illness. In addition to changing public perception towards people with Parkinson's, the campaign places specific emphasis on equipping the individuals impacted by the disease to rise above the stigma, regardless of public perception. 

Much of the stigma surrounding Parkinson's in Africa comes from factors that can be influenced. We have structured this campaign to tackle three of those factors - misinformation, lack of access to proper care and treatment, and self-stigmatization.

We envision a world with equal representation for Africans impacted by Parkinson's disease.

Get Involved

While there is a fundraising component to Omotola’s campaign, the PD Avengers are only asking people to watch the video. After that, if they are so moved, they can share it with their friends or donate money. The more people who watch this, the more awareness we bring to important issues like the plight of those with Parkinson’s in Africa.


The Past, Present and Future of Parkinson’s


Why 50 Million Voices?