Hello, I am a PD Avenger

A sample letter you could use to help recruit family, friends, your medical team, colleagues and others….


I am excited to share with you the news that I have just joined a group that is committed to ending Parkinson’s disease.

It’s called The PD Avengers.

I am very excited about their vision. Would you to consider joining the PD Avengers with me to make our voices heard?

Here’s why it matters:

  • Worldwide 10 MILLION people live with Parkinson’s

  • 50 MILLION people live with the burden personally, or through a loved one

  • One in 15 people alive today will get Parkinson’s.  The disease is found everywhere in the world. In almost every region the rate of Parkinson’s is increasing

  • Over the past 25 years, the number of people with Parkinson’s has doubled, and experts are predicting it will double again by 2040

  • The economic impact of the disease is disastrous for many individuals and their families

We have been quiet for too long. This is urgent.

The PD Avengers is not a charity and they’re not looking for money. They are not trying to replace the work done by charities and health professionals across the world. Simply, they are looking to bring their collective voices together to demand change in how the disease is seen and treated. 

Click the image to tweet it!

Click the image to tweet it!

You can also make your own recruitment video and share it on social media. Be sure to tag PD Avengers!

Originally inspired by the book, “Ending Parkinson’s Disease,” The PD Avengers believe that more can and must be done. The 10 million people diagnosed worldwide, their families and friends who are impacted by this relentless condition deserve more.

Now is our time.

Joining PD Avengers costs nothing, but ending the disease would be priceless for so many.

Will you join me and become a PD Avenger? Click here for an easy, no obligation sign-up to join an outcry to eradicate Parkinson’s.  Thank you so much for joining me in this important cause.

United to End Parkinson’s!






Rallying for the Challenge