PD Avengers Member Spotlight

Orlando Jack

When were you/loved one first diagnosed? 


Can you tell the story of your path to diagnosis? 

My left foot big toe started twitching. Consequently, I had an MRI which showed nothing. Then a  ‘DatScan’ which indicated I had Parkinson Disease. I started taking Sinemet immediately.

Why did you want to become a PD Avenger? 

To not only educate myself, but to educate others.
What do you see is your superpower as a PD Avenger? 

My ability to communicate.

What is something you wish people knew about Parkinson’s Disease?

The emotional and psychological component of this disease. 

What do you like to do for fun?

Musician, Photographer and to raise money for Parkinson’s research

Advisory Board Member, Parkinson Association of Central Florida (www.parkinsoncf.org). 

What advice would you give to someone who is newly diagnosed?

Never stop educating yourself and stay healthy via mental and physical exercise.

Lastly, educate others.

What do you wish you were told when you were diagnosed?

I was fortunate, after I moved to Orlando FL. because I found a very competent MDS Neurologist who is also a member of our association. Dr. Anwar Ahmed is aso very communicative in person and through our ‘Portal.

Is there anything else you would like to share with our community?

Stay Active Mentally and Physically to help fight to slow down the progression.

Do you have any PD advice?

As a member of a large social network for PwP’s many seem to accept their malady and don’t seem to want to fight for a cure. That ‘Doer’ attitude is missing. It’s frustrating for me because I’ve never been a quitter whether in sports or life. I wish these PwP’s would be ‘Doers’ also.

Today, I’m running my own campaign to get PwP’s to contact their state congressman via the Michael J. Fox Foundation at  https://michaeljfox.quorum.us/campaign/42447/ !


3 Minute Test to Diagnose Parkinson’s Disease


PD Avengers Member Spotlight